Most of us live in cities, even though cities are not the healthiest places due to poor air quality, noisy surroundings and lack of recreational spaces.

Many cities have few green areas and consist of too much ‘concrete jungle’ which makes for a harsh environment for all living things. With the changing climate, the weather is expected to become more extreme.

One such effect will be urban heat islands, which will be even more profound, with heatwaves expected to increase 3 to 10-fold by 2080 depending on the climate scenario.

Encouraging municipalities to plant more trees

Tree planting is a well-recognised, relatively cheap and efficient measure for cities to adapt to future climatic challenges.

Air quality

Additional trees in urban areas can lead to improvements in air quality (PM2.5 and NOX) and reduction in respiratory diseases.

Carbon sequestration

Efficient and cost-effective absorption of CO2 from the atmosphere, increasing carbon sequestration in urban areas.

Heat islands

Cooling effect in summer heat waves and contributing to reduction in energy expenditure (for air conditioning).

Urban biodiversity

Improvement in urban biodiversity by increasing the number of species that thrive in urban eco-systems.

Pluvial flooding

Through water absorption of the soil and tree roots, the risk of pluvial flooding can also be diminished.

Noise levels

Abatement of excessive background and traffic noise in urban environment to improve quality of life.

Join 100KTREES

Is your city interested in planting new trees?

Our decision toolbox is fully scalable. Contact us to see how the 100KTREEs can support the tree planting strategy of your city.

News & Events

Second progress meeting of 100KTREEs

December 18, 2023|

100KTREEs has completed its first year of activity. The partners of 100KTREEs met online on December 13th and 14th for the usual six-monthly progress meeting.

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